The joys of mothering

At the end of May, the month of Mother’s Day, here are a few things that made me happy to be a mom this year:

Every single action in my day is observed, questioned and interrupted. I am constantly answering to my little ones, assisting with everything. How is it that such small people can be so hugely demanding? Yet, like everything in life, the more you put into it, the more rewarding it is. And parenting is really the ultimate example of this. This post on the Austin Mom’s Blog  perfectly captures the absorbing and exhausting nature of parenting young children, and I couldn’t agree more with the last paragraphs:

And thinking about the rich rewards of motherhood, this video gave me all the feels:

Finally, motherhood would be a much sadder, lonelier and colorless experience without a fabulous, remarkable, engaged and loving partner to share it with. There is no one I would rather tag team these little beasties with than my best friend:


Posted on May 24, 2016, in Uncategorized. Bookmark the permalink. Leave a comment.

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